Spring Pitch Competition

Thursday, February 22, 2024 5 pm

Nistler Hall, Barry Auditorium

Middleton School of Entrepreneurship and Management hosts the Spring Pitch Competition


Prizes: $8,000*

- Best overall: $3,000

- Most innovative: $1,000

- Big idea: $1,000

- Social impact: $1,000

- Best undergrad team: $500-$1,000 (stackable)

- People’s choice: $500 (stackable)

*Final prizes at judges’ discretion


Length of Pitches: 2 minutes



How-to-Pitch Workshop: Wednesday, January 31st at 5:00 pm

Intent to compete: Wednesday, January 31st by 11:59 pm. Use this link to register your intent to compete - https://und.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_41PNhL7y5IMiOdU

Pitch Rehearsal Workshops: Wednesday, February 7; Tuesday, February 13. Both workshops are at 5:00 pm (optional)


Inclusion/exclusion requirements:

• Must pitch in-person

• UND students only (should be registered full- or part-time for Spring 2024 semester)

• University-wide

• Open to both graduate and undergraduate students


Pizza will be provided! 


Contacts for more information:

Dr. Sheila Hanson sheila.hanson@und.edu 

Dr. Sanjay Goel sanjay.goel@und.edu

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