About this Event
The North Dakota Supreme Court will visit the law school through a virtual format this fall to hear oral arguments and judge the final argument of the internal fall Moot Court competition. Events include:
Oct 28 - 10:45 a.m. Oral Argument - State v. Foote, a criminal case involving evidentiary issues. Zoom link - https://ndcourts-gov.zoom.us/j/81761932059?pwd=UzBmeVdNT0EvN1V4eDF1MUg1bWhQZz09 Meeting ID: 817 6193 2059 Passcode: 291725
Oct 28 - 5:00 p.m. Moot Court Final Argument: Final between UND Law students judged by the NDSC - Webinar link: https://und.zoom.us/j/95894057998?pwd=a2s2amptdUI2eFlkR1VLMTkrd3J6UT09 If you are having issues with the link, you can also watch the argument live on the UND School of Law facebook page.
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