About this Event
**This workshop has been cancelled due to presenter illness. The Chester Fritz Library is planning to record this workshop and the recording will be posted on the UND Gradschool Blackboard. If you have any questions in the meantime, please contact your reference librarian at the Chester Fritz Library. Thank you for your understanding.
Are you a graduate student starting to publish your research? You may be familiar with traditional metrics via scholarly journal citation counts. Alternative Metrics – known as Altmetrics – uses counts of where your work is being cited, tweeted, and shared throughout your research community to track impact. The workshop will cover different types of research impact metrics and how to show the impact of your research through Altmetrics!
By the end of this session, you should be able to:
• Discuss metrics and how they're used
• Introduce Altmetrics and where they fit in graduate research
• Show examples of where to find Altmetrics
• How to get started to create your own Altmetrics impact narrative
Presented by Chester Fritz Scholarly Communication and Social Sciences Librarian: Brittany Fischer.
This workshop is open to currently enrolled UND graduate students. Hosted by the School of Graduate Studies and Chester Fritz Library. Registration required to attend, register HERE. Zoom link will be emailed upon registration.