Tuesday, May 9, 2023 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm

KCEC (Korean Culture Exchange Club) is hosting K-POP dance class every Tuesday at 5:30 PM at Hyslop 370G. Beginners are welcome! The instructor, Wonjun Choi, is the past President of a Dance Club in Korea and performed dances at Feast of Nations.

Please join us to enjoy K-pop together! 

For more information or registration, email: hyunsik.joo@und.edu or DM @KCEC.UND at Instagram (https://bit.ly/UNDKCECInsta). 

2751 2nd Ave N, Grand Forks, ND 58202

https://bit.ly/UNDKCECInsta ##UNDKpopDance
  • Gon Carlson
  • Hannah Hathaway

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