About this Event
Are you looking to start a student organizaton? The first step is to attend one of the 'How to Form' sessions.
There are some in-person and some virtual session options. Sessions typically run 30-45 minutes. New organizations need to attend ONE of the sessions below.
Wednesday January 22 @ 12:00 PM(Noon) : in-person, Memorial Union Room 103
Tuesday February 11 @ 4:00 PM: in-person, Memorial Union Room 103
Thursday March 20 @ 2:00 PM: in-person, Memorial Union Room 139
Monday April 28 @ 4:00 PM: virtual, Zoom
For my information on how to form, visit: https://und.edu/student-life/student-involvement/student-organizations.html
2901 University Avenue Grand Forks, North Dakota 58202
https://und.edu/student-life/student-involvement/student-organizations.htmlEvent Details
+ 110 People interested in event
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Virtual Sessions held via Zoom
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Meeting ID: 969 3451 7639