Breaking Barriers: Harvesting LGBTQ Stories from the Northern Plains

Wednesday, October 16, 2024 12 pm to 1 pm

Join the  Red River Rainbow Seniors for a presenation on on their oral history project, "Breaking Barriers: Harvesting LGBTQ Stories from the Northern Plains. 

In this presentation, we use voices of three of our early narrators to tell the story of growing up and living in North Dakota and Northwestern Minnesota.  These stories introduce key themes: the experiences of coming out, developing a “family of choice,” creating social community, experiences of discrimination (bullying, job loss, estrangement from family, etc.), and the strength and resilience of these individuals.

2901 University Avenue Grand Forks, North Dakota 58202 #undlgbtq
  • Bruce Reeves
  • Bridget  Brooks, PhD

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