The Importance of Rural Attorneys Understanding the Agriculture Industry-A Discussion Hosted by Agricultural Law Association and Rural Practice Association

Thursday, October 5, 2023 12:05 pm to 1 am

law school, 335 View map

Join the Agricultural Law Association and Rural Practice Association for a discussion about the importance of rural lawyers having an understanding of different facets of the agricultural industry. Christie Jaeger, who is a crop insurance adjuster with ProAg and operates a family farm and ranch in rural Esmond North Dakota, will be sharing about her experiences in production agriculture, describing the impacts the shortage of rural lawyers is having on families, and a variety of other topics. If you are a law student planning on remaining in North Dakota to practice law, you won't want to miss this event!  Please bring your questions! 

Please RSVP at, or email Regan at 

Thursday, October 5th from 12:05-1 in room 335 in the Law School. 

215 Centennial Dr, Grand Forks, ND 58202

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